Publications and Reports


Dwyer, A.J., Weltzien, E., Harty, N.M., Le Grice, K., Pray, S., Risendal, B. (2022). What Makes for Successful Patient Navigation Implementation in Cancer Prevention and Screening Programs Using an Evaluation and Sustainability Framework. Cancer, 28: 2636-48.


Harty, N.M., Friedman, B., Tung, Gregory. (2019). Kids, Cops, and Community: A Qualitative Assessment of Police, Youth, and Parent Perceptions of Each Other. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice.


Harty, N.M., Le Grice, K., Cahill, C., Bull, S., Dwyer, A. (2018). EndCancer: Development and Pilot Testing of Multimedia Recruitment for a Text Message Campaign to Increase Cancer Screening. mHealth.


Bennett, A.J., Perkins, C.M., Harty, N.M., Luck, M.L., & Pierre, P.J. (2014). Towards an Evidence-Based Allocation of Resources for Captive Nonhuman Primate Environmental Enrichment: A Cost:Benefit Analysis Model. Journal of the American Association of Laboratory Animal Science, 53(5): 452-63.


Harty, N.M. & Hill, A. (2024, April). Advancing Equitable Grant Programming: Are We Achieving Intended Outcomes? Presentation at the 2024 Culture of Data Conference, Virtual, Colorado.


Harty, N.M. (2022, September). School Nurse and Public Health COVID-19 Response Partnerships for Improving Collaboration, Efficiency, and Trust During 2021-2022 School Year. Abstract accepted to 2022 Public Health in the Rockies Conference, Keystone, CO.


Estrada, M., Harty, N.M., Bekman, S. & Roy, M. (2021, October). Building Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Capacity in Colorado through a Virtual Community. Presentation at the American Public Health Association Conference, Denver, CO.

Estrada, M., Bellamy, M., Harty, N.M., & Roy, M. (2021, October). Home-based Care During the Pandemic: Outcomes of Evidence-Based Mental Health Treatment for Young Children and Their Families. Presentation at the American Public Health Association Conference, Denver, CO.

Harty, N.M. (2021). R and R Markdown 3-Part Series. Workshop hosted by Colorado Evaluation Network, Virtual.

Morrison, F., Harty, N.M., Maxwell, B., Smith, R., Harrington, B. (October, 2021). Creating a Local COVID-19 Dashboard to Inform Residents and Leaders in a Rural Mountain County. Presentation at the 2021 American Public Health Association Conference, Denver, CO.


Collier, P., Harty, N.M., Kelleman, B., Varda, D. (2020, June). Community of Practice: Technology in Evaluation. Presentation to Colorado Evaluation Network, Virtual.

Harris, E., Mixer, M., Slater, T., & Harty, N.M. (2020, October). Opportunities and Challenges in Bringing Equitable Evaluation Practices to Internal Evaluation Projects. Session moderator at Evaluation 2020 Conference, Virtual.

Harty, N.M., Mixer, M., Slater, T., Williams, W. (2020, November). Leveraging Data to Inform a Mental Health Center’s COVID-19 Response in a Rapidly Changing Environment. Presentation at the Colorado Behavioral Health and Wellness Conference, Virtual.


Harty, N.M. & Dwyer, A. (2018, September). Implementing a Quality and Sustainable Colorectal Cancer Patient Navigation Program. Presentation at the 2019 Ohio Association of Community Health Centers Conference, Columbus, OH.

Le Grice, K., Harty, N.M., & Dwyer, A. (2018, April). Patient Navigation Training for Diverse Communities: A Qualitative Analysis of Barriers to Timely Colorectal Cancer Screening Among Low-Income and Medically Underserved Coloradans. Poster presentation at the 2018 Dialogue for Action, Tysons, VA.


Friedman, B., Harty, N.M., Tung, G. (2017, September). Kids, Cops, and Community: A Qualitative Assessment of Police, Youth, and Parent Perceptions of Each Other in Aurora, Colorado to Inform Police-Community Relations Programming. Poster presentation at the 2017 Public Health in the Rockies Conference

Harty, N.M., Friedman, B., Barrett, D., Tung, Gregory. (2017, November). Understanding Police and Youth Perceptions of Each Other to Inform Gang Prevention and Intervention Activities in Aurora, Colorado. Presentation at the 2017 American Public Health Association Conference, Atlanta, GA.


Harty, N.M., Warren, L., Wolf, H. (2016, February). Improving Patient Navigation for Cancer Screening: Evidence from the Colorado Colorectal Screening Program. Poster presentation at the Annual Student Research Forum, Aurora, CO.

Harty, N.M. (2016, October). Planning and Implementing an Urban Indian Health Center’s Evidence-Based Traditional Healing Behavioral Health Program: Lessons Learned and a Call to Action. Presentation at the 2016 American Public Health Association Conference, Denver, CO.

Harty, N.M., Solopow, S., Kellar-Guenthar, Y. (2016, May). Culture as Medicine: Planning and Implementing an Urban Indian Health Organization’s Culturally-Based Integrated Care Program. Poster presentation at the Colorado School of Public Health Spring Forum, Aurora, CO.


Harty, N.M., Warren, L., Wolf, H. (2015, September). Improving Patient Navigation for Cancer Screening: Evidence from the Colorado Colorectal Screening Program. Poster presentation at the 2015 Public Health in the Rockies Conference, Vail, CO.


WE Public Health. (2024). Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs)/Antimicrobial Resistance (AR) Competency Training Workbook. Report prepared for the National Association of City and County Health Officials.

WE Public Health. (2024). Reducing The Threat of Healthcare-Associated Infections & Antimicrobial Resistance. Report prepared for the National Association of City and County Health Officials.


WE Public Health. (2022). The Role of Local Health Departments in HAI/AR: A Landscape Analysis. Report prepared for the National Association of City and County Health Officials.


Harty, N.M. and Honce, G.H. (2020). Chaffee County Senior Needs Assessment. Report prepared for Chaffee County Senior Planning Committee.

Slater, T., Mixer, M, Harty, N.M. (2020). Staff Perceptions and Experiences with Anti-Black Racism. Report prepared for Mental Health Center of Denver Executive Management.


Harty, N.M. (2017). ViP (Violence Prevention) Year 2 Evaluation Report to Colorado Department of Criminal Justice. Report prepared for ViP Project Team and ViP Funder.

Mortimer, H., Harty, N.M. (2017). Making Logic Out of Stakeholder Engagement: Developing the Basis for an Evaluation Plan. Report prepared for members of Aurora’s Gang Reduction Impact Project Steering Committee.


Bentley, J., Brooks, X., Fenn, A., Harty, N.M., Neff, H., Phyo, Z., Seigneur, F., Waln, E. (2016). Chaffee County Community Health Assessment 2016. Report prepared for Chaffee County Public Health.

Harty, N.M. (2016). Statewide Colorectal Cancer Screening Needs Assessment. Report prepared on behalf of the Colorado Colorectal Screening Program.